This event was imaged through hazy cloud.
If you were standing on Io, you would see a total eclipse of the sun as Europa moves in front of it. We see it as a dimming of Io as the shadow of Europa sweeps across it. At totality, the brightness of Io dropped to about 1/3 of its normal level
Two hours later Europa occulted Io but the cloud had thickened by then :-(
This site has everything you ever wanted to know about mutual Jovian satellite events in 2002/3. http://www.bdl.fr/Phemu03/phemu03_eng.html
20th Dec 04:40-05:00 UTC, VC200L 200mm FL 1800mm, Vesta Pro 675
This image shows the two moons before, during and after the eclipse.
The wide view including Jupiter was taken shortly after the eclipse had ended
This graph shows the change in brightness of Io during the event. (Cloud delayed the start of recording) The brightness of Europa was used as a reference.
The brightness reduction was 75% at maximum which agrees quite well with the theoretical figure of 71% It also confirms that Io is normally slightly brighter than Europa (mag 5.6 v 5.7)