TYC 1960-1272-1 20th March 2005
The spectrum of this 10th magnitude star in Leo was taken in response to a query about a strange "fuzzy" which showed up in this position in a wide field image. It turned out that it was caused by unfocussed IR from this very red star due to the camera lens (compare the spectrum with the adjacent star TYC 1960-1098-1 which appeared stellar in the image)
VC200L at f6.3 + Vesta SC3 "PIPCAM" 20x 5sec
Field approx 10 arcmin square
VC200L at f6.3 + Vesta SC3 + 100 l/mm Grating 27x 10sec
The majority of light from this star is emitted in the IR (probably to longer wavelengths than shown, beyond the sensitive range of the CCD chip) and the spectrum shows a number of molecular absorption bands typical of a low temperature star. Comparing with the typical spectra in VisualSpec library, I would guess this is perhaps spectral type m5?