Approx 23:50 UT 16th May 2004
80mm f5 refractor + Vesta SC3 webcam + 100 l/mm grating at 34 A/pixel 5 x 20sec
Two images were taken a few minutes apart and show the comet and also a mag 9 star SAO 80381 embedded in the comma. The images are rather noisy as only 5 frames were taken due to partial cloud cover. The spectrum of the comet and the star are visible though
The comet spectrum shows the characteristics of reflected sunlight. Emmision lines of C, N and CN have been reported, but none are obvious in this spectrum, probably because of the smearing of the spectrum due to the comet not being a point source (A spectrograph with a slit would be better for this application)
It was hoped that the star spectra might show absorption lines due to the comma, but none are obvious. The star spectral class is not known but looks to be similar to that of the reflected sunlight
22nd May 2004
A further attempt was made using a simple arrangement with the 100 l/mm grating fixed in front of a 29mm FL lens, mounted on the Vesta SC3 webcam. This had the advantage of reducing the size of the comet image significantly, improving the resolution of the slitless set up. (The dark stripes are overhead power lines in the field of view)
This time some emission lines were evident.
Although no absolute calibration of this set up has been made, it was possible to identify some of the lines by reference to Christian Buil's spectrum of this object.